Проект на тему "My native Town"

В своей исследовательской работе и индивидуальном проекте по английскому языку на тему "My native Town" обучающаяся 8 класса школы знакомится с историей своего города Душанбе (Dushanbe Today), библиотекой имени А. Фирдавси (Ferdousi Library), а также с таджикскими государственными университетами (Tajik State Universities).
Творческий проект по английскому языку на тему "My native Town" дает возможность читателям узнать о городе Душанбе на сегодняшний день и о многих известных достопримечательностях на английском языке, об университетах и иных образовательных учреждениях.
- История моего города / History in a few words
- Душанбе на сегодняшний день / Dushanbe Today
- Библиотека имени А. Фирдавси / Ferdousi Library
- Таджикские государственные университеты / Tajik State Universities
Список использованных источников
Любовь к Родине начинается с любви к своей малой родине - месту, где ты родился. Малая Родина и есть исток, начало, откуда человек делает шаг в большой мир.
С родного уголка земли начинается моя страна Таджикистан, гражданином которой земли я являюсь.
Актуальность. Многие нравственные качества человека закладываются в детские, школьные годы. Любовь к родному краю, желание видеть родной город, республику, страну все более и более растущими и расцветающими - все эти чувства в большой степени зависят от того, как мы их воспринимаем в школьные годы.
Картины родной природы: горы и озера, кишлаки и колхозные поля, большие садовые участки и виноградники – все это в ровной степени формируют чувство к родному краю, а чудесные рубаи известных таджикских писателей, исторические повествования и памятники оставляют большой след в нашей душе.
Чем больше, глубже, ярче, содержательнее будут наши знания о родном крае и лучших его людях, тем более действенным скажутся они на формировании благодарного нравственного чувства: интереса к любви к родному краю, глубоко уважения к патриотическим традициям моей страны.
Область творческого проекта: история, английский язык.
Предмет творческого проекта: история родного края на английском языке.
History in a few words
Dushanbe is the capital of Tajikiston. A political and administrative centre it was mapped at XX century. Dushanbe means Monday. According legend every Monday a great market( bazar) took place on the territory of modern Dushanbe, gathering people from all nearest villages. Even nowadays there are villages with such names as Seshanbe( Tuesday), Chorshanbe ( Wednesday) and so on.
The 1 st written mentions of kishlak Dushanbe arise to the beginning of 18 th century. Favourable geographic situation and natural conditions made capable the formation of Dushanbe as administrative and political centre.
Dushanbe has an ancient history of high agriculture and managing on its land and it is proved by historical and architectural sources. But only in the XX century Dushanbe had acquired a certain role in political and economic life of tajik people.
For some time Dushanbe was the shelter of Olimkhon, the last emir of Manghits dynasty. On September 21, 1921 the Red Army seized the town and Soviet power was started in Dushanbe. Until 1924 Dushanbe was the administrative and political centre of eastern Bukhoro from 70 th of XIX century to 1924.
After the national and administrative division of Central Asia in October 1924 Dushanbe became the capital of Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of Tajikiston. At that time Dushanbe was a small kishlaks: Luchob, Ispechak, Shicoron, Karyai Bolo, Yakka Chinor, Kazokon, Shohmansur, Saryosiyo, Virkhojai Ambiyo.
Later on they were loind of the town. The government body of the city was the city executive commity of workers and peasant deputies and Red Army. In 1925 the city had received the status of the town. There were appeared the streets. There were 13 streets in Dushanbe until 1930. From 1929 to 1961 Dushanbe was named Stalinobod.
Nowadays there more than 500 streets, 35 residencial areas, 104 microdistricts and 4 districts in Dushanbe. The population of the city at the beginning of 1990 was nearly 600 thousand.
Dushanbe Today
Modern Dushanbe is a city-garden with amazing parks and artificial lakes. The main road of the city is Rudaki Avenua.
The main squares of the city are: Ayni, Somoniyon and Druzhba Narodov. The city squares are decorated by monuments to S.Ayni, Abuali ibn Sino, A.Rudaki and Ismoily Somony.
Dushanbe was a large industrial center producing cotton and silk fabrics., refrigerators, textile machines, hydroapparatus for agricultural equipment, knitted, sewing and leather-ware goods. Nowadays all these industrial center do not work.
Dushanbe today is the most important cultural center of republic. It is the seat of Tajikiston’s Academy of Science, 19 research institutes, more than 10 universities, more than 100 general secondary schools and specialised secondary schools. Five theatres, modern cinemas. Philarmonic Concert Hall and Modern libraries are at the lisposal of citizens.
Beautiful administrative buildings, cultural centers, many storeyed districts are rising high above the city. Sadbarg Service Trading Center , Ayni Opera and Ballet Theatre, Ferdousi Library, Modern National Library, Borbad Concert Hall, The Tajikistan Intourist Hotel, Dushanbe State University, Rohat and Faroghat Teahouses are especially attractive.
In Dushanbe there are several State Publishing Houses such as Irfon, Maorif, Donish, Adib. Dozens of newspapers and journals are publishing in tojik, ryssian and uzbek languages.
Modern stadiums, swimming pools and lakes at citizen’s disposal.
There are a lot of sanatoriums, tourist camps, holiday hotels around the town, always ready to welcome the citizens and guests of our town.
Ferdousi Library
In Tajikistan the Ferdousi Library was called the Book Palace. Every day students, workers, scientists ,young and old come the book- inexhaustible source of knowledge and culture. Foreign guests consider its their duty to visit this temple of science. The warmest words in Arabic and Latin writings, hieroglyphics are written in the library book of opinions.
The library has the status of the main National book depository of Tajikistan , the methodic center and the leading research bibliographical institute of the republic. It was founded in 1933 on the basis of central citizen library.
In 1935 at the anniversary of Abulkosim Ferdousi, the classic of tajik-persian literature the library was named after him. The funds of library are more than 3 million books. There are 8 reading halls and 1000 readers may be served at once. The manuscript department with unique treasures of tajik –Persian literature is a special proud of the library.
Tajik State University
Created in 1948, it has become one of the largest educational institution in the republic. The majority of scientists in Tajikistan are graduates of the State University. There are 14 primary departments. These include physics, pure and applied mathematics, chemistry, biology, geology. Tajik language literature, Russian language and literature.
Oriental languages, law and three economic departments. In adding , it has an orientation program for foreign students, a computer programming center, unique botanical gardens and a scientific library.
The University is a member of the international University. Association and as such has close ties with other universities of the CIS and many foreign institutions.
The Tajik Pedagogical University
The Tajik pedagogical university was the 1 st educational institution in Tajikistan. When it was founded in 1931, it had only one department- now it has more ten. Then it had twelve teachers- now it has more than 1000. Famous scientists and teachers are graduates of the university . Renamed in 1990 after the former rector, Kandil Juraev. It has Russian philology, history, geography, biochemistry, physics, mathematics, foreign languages, drafting and industrial training.
The Tajik agricultural university
One of the oldest educational institutes in Central Asia. It was created from several consolidated agricultural secondary schools in 1993. Today it is one of the Central Asian’s largest producers of agricultural specialists.
It has seven departments: agronomy, fruits, vegetables and viticulture, irrigation, agricultural mechanization , economics, and continuing education for specialists. There several laboratories, and a staff of about 500 teachers. Beyond the classrooms education, a lot of fieldwork is being done in such areas as irrigation technology in mountainous regions, biotechnology, an the fluorescence of animals.
Хочу сделать вывод из сказанного в рамках творческого проекта по английскому языку на тему "My native Town", моя страна это многонациональная страна. Многие русскоговорящие приехали в 1950 годах из разных уголков нашего мира и выбрали Таджикистан своим домом.
Таджики очень гостиприимный народ. Любят и дорожат своей землей, культурой и языком. Каждый таджик уважает и любит свою Родину, гордятся своим народом, его достижениями, любят свою землю и природу.
И завершить свой исследовательский проект по английскому языку "My native Town" хочу словами К. Симонова. « Ты вспоминаешь страну большую, которую изъездил и узнал. Ты вспоминаешь Родину такую, какой ее ты в детстве увидал».