Sights of Great Britain (Достопримечательности Великобритании)

Раздел энциклопедии:
Проект (реферат) Sights of Great Britain (Достопримечательности Великобритании), географическое и политическое положение, образ жизни, Англия, Шотландия, Уэльс и Северная Ирландия.
1. Main parts of G.B.
- What is the largest part of the UK?
- What part of Great Britain borders on the Independent Irish Republic on land?
- What is the capital of Wales?
- What are the regions of England?
- What parts is Scotland divided into?
2. Geographical
- What parts does the United Kingdom consist of?
- What is between GB and Ireland?
- Where is the UK situated?
- What is the UK washed by in the north?
- What dover do we usually call narrowest part of the English Channel?
3. Political Outlook
- How many members are there in the House of Commons?
- Whom doesthe power in the country belong to?
- Why is the House of Lords considered to be a very important body?
- How often do the British people elect the members of the House of Commons?
- Who is the Head of State in Great Britain?
4. The British Ways of Life
- What is the favourite topic to discuss in Great Britain?
- What pets are the special animals in Great Britain?
- When do people celebrate Guy Fawkes Day?
- Where can you see ravens in London?
- Why do the ravens live in the Tower of London?
5. England
- What region is known as the “garden of England”?
- What is the largest industrial part of England?
- Where is the most westerly point of Great Britain called “Land’s End”?
- What are the regions of England?
- What English cities are famous for their universities?
6. Scotland
- What cities are the two great centres of Scotland?
- What show takes place five or six nights a week in August and September every year in Edinburgh?
- What are the two most interesting parts of Edinburgh?
- What plant is the symbol of Scotland?
- What parts is Scotland divided into?
7. Wales
- What is the capital of Wales?
- What languages are spoken in Wales?
- The second highest mountain in Britain is situated in Wales. What is its name?
- When do the Welsh people celebrate St. David’s Day?
- How many people live in Wales?
8. Northern Ireland
- What country does Northern Irland border on?
- What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
- What is Northern Ireland washed by?
- What is the nationality of people who were born in Northern Ireland?
- What island is Northern Ireland situated on?
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