Индивидуальный проект "Easter egg"

Деева Мария
Шестакова Алена Сергеевна
ОГБОУ Школа-интернат №26

В данном проекте по технологии предложено поэтапное изготовление изделия - футляр из бисера для пасхального яйца , представлен креативный взгляд на традицию украшения пасхальных яиц. Большое внимание в проекте уделено истории бисера, традициям росписи и украшения пасхальных яиц, а также конструкции и изготовлению сеточки из бисера для яйца на Пасху.

Подробнее о проекте:

Завершающим этапом творческого проекта по технологии "Easter egg" является составление праздничной пасхальной композиции, состоящей из расписных и украшенных яиц, а также из панно, выполненного в технике квиллинг с элементами бисера.

В ходе своей творческой работы по технологии (бисероплетение) о плетении из бисера «Easter egg» учащаяся изучает исторические сведения о пасхальных яйцах и традиции росписи и украшения яиц на светлый праздник Пасхи, разрабатывает технологическую карту проекта в виде пошаговой инструкции изготовления сеточки из бисера для украшения куриного яйца на Пасху.

Table of contents

  1. Creative project „My Easter Present“
  2. My creative project “My Easter present”
  3. The history of Easter Egg
  4. Easter egg traditions
  5. My Easter egg

Creative project „My Easter Present“

There are many people who have no problems with health. But there are many physically challenged people. For example, we have got many children with bad eyesight or total blind children. But they want to take part in different competitions, to dance, to learn well.

I would like to tell about myself. My name is Mary. I am 11. I study in school №26. My school is special school for the pupils, who have bad eyesight. I learn in the fifth form. I have one interesting hobby: handmade goods from beads. I like to make different bracelets, necklace, earnings, “New Year’s balls”.

My new hobby is quilling. My best work is “The Firebird”.

I like to read interesting books: fantasy, detective stories and poems of foreign authors. I get knowledge and ideas from books.

But best of all I like to walk and to play with my friends. Our favorite game is “Zombie”.

My creative project “My Easter present”

Annotation of project We will celebrate Easter on the 20th of April. Who can imagine Easter without Easter eggs, the symbol of Easter? The oldest tradition is to use painted chicken eggs. But I want to make my Easter egg from beads.

The plan of my project.

  1. To find information about history of Easter egg.
  2. To make Easter egg from beads.
  3. To represent my Egg.

The main idea – creating of Easter egg from beads.


My spring flower from beads

The history of Easter Egg

Easter eggs, also called Paschal eggs, are special eggs that are often given to celebrate Easter or springtime. The oldest tradition is to use dyed and painted chicken eggs, but a modern custom is to substitute chocolate eggs, or plastic eggs filled with confectionery such as jelly beans. Eggs, in general, were a traditional symbol of fertility, and rebirth.

In Christianity, for the celebration of Eastertide, Easter eggs symbolize the empty tomb of Jesus: though an egg appears to be like the stone of a tomb, a bird hatches from it with life; similarly, the Easter egg, for Christians, is a reminder that Jesus rose from the grave, and that those who believe will also experience eternal life.

Easter eggs are traditionally dyed red, to symbolise the blood of Christ.

Easter egg traditions

Egg rolling, or an Easter egg roll is a traditional game played with eggs at Easter. Different nations have different versions of the game, usually played with hard-boiled, decorated eggs.

An egg dance is a traditional Easter game in which eggs are laid on the ground or floor and the goal is to dance among them damaging as few as possible.

пасхальное яйцо

My Easter egg

яйца на пасху

To make such Easter egg you need:

  • Beads
  • bugles
  • wooden egg
  • a needle and cotton.

Step 1.

Make fast one bead on the thrum, count 27 beads and make one bubble from the beads.

Step 2.

String 3 beads, one bugle, 3 beads, one bugle and 3 beads and thread a needle in the third bead of our bubble. After that you need thread a needle in two last beads of our set. Than string one bead, one bugle, 3beads, one bugle, 3 beads and run the cotton in the sixth bead. You must do it 10 times, left at first one bead, than 2 beads.

Step 3.

String one bead, one bugle, three beads, one bugle, one bead and run the cotton into the top bead of the first set. After that you need thread a needle into one bugle and two beads of this set.

Step 4.

String one bead, one bugle, three beads, one bugle, and one bead and run the cotton into the upmost bead of the second triangle. In the same way you make 10 such triangles. Then thread the needle in one big bead, one bugle and two beads. You make 4 lines.

Step 5.

After that you need string 30 beads and make a bubble, left 2 beads from below and thread a needle into the next bead. Than run through one bead and go into the second bead. String 2 beads and run into the top bead of the second triangle in the last line. Go to the upmost bead and string 2 beads, run through 2 beads of our bubble. Make so up to finish and fasten off. Our Easter egg is ready!!!


“New Year’s balls”


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